Do you remember when Jerri gave you Reiki back in March? She said that your life force was strong and it appears that it's still the case. Maybe you're not finished with your work of teaching me lessons, huh?
In this respite from your illness I have turned my attentions a bit. Remember when I said it wasn't always about us? Kitty Kit, one of my students is pregnant with her second set of twins. Her infant son from the first set passed away on Tuesday. And we think that we have problems. How arrogant we are, huh?
What are we going to do about this? My student is on a path to failure in this class. Time is passing by quickly. Then there are the rules. Ah, yes, there's always rules. What can we do to help my student while considering the rules? Is this part of our culture? How can we set up people to fail because of the rules? How can I say that I did the best I could under the circumstances? What is the ethical way to handle this while considering the rules that dictate my employment?
So Kit, when you figure it all out, please let me know. In the interim I'm glad that you like your comfy new blanket and I hope that you'll eat more so that you don't need it so much to keep warm.
Thanks for a relatively quiet two days, Kitty Kit. When you really think about it, we've got it pretty good, huh?
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