It's been almost a week since we said adieu. You know what, Kit...I never realized how much care you took. I was aware that I rarely slept through the night, that I cleaned litter boxes endlessly, followed you around the house with too many kinds of cat food to count - with the hope that you would keep eating.
And you did - more or less until it was time for you to leave. You were less than six pounds, but the void that you left seems to be big enough to contain a herd of elephants. Kitty, Kit it's quiet here. I don't do laundry load after load and I've retired my scrub pail to the basement.
I spend more time than usual sitting in "our" chair by the window, but I don't cry 59 minutes out of every hour. I miss that beautiful face and the mrrrr, mrrrr, mrrr. Cali is the only meow now and she's trying hard to do her job well.
Ah, but yes, it's all good. You're safe and free from suffering and I in turn, have a different kind of freedom. During some of that chair time I realized that this is the first time in almost 8 years that I've had a respite from taking care of an ailing meow or bow. Yes, I'd do it all over again in a heart beat.
It's the memories that are good. It's the experiences that I had that are good. It's the energy that was in the house that was good! It's the people that I met that are good. It's a large part of my life, and it's good!
I love you Kitty Kit and those who are waiting with you at the RB,
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