Upon seeing you the other day in your habitual reclining position, a visitor remarked that perhaps this situation wasn't the kindest thing.
What situation, what kindest thing? Of course, the "kindest thing" was the reference to steriods. Well, so you're 16, 17 something and have a chronic disease that may be cancer, but we can't do anything invasive.
You still got up everyday to eat, use the litter box and then back to bed. So Kit, imagine my surprise when you came into the computer room yesterday like Snow White awakening from a dream. Imagine my surprise when you demanded to get up on my lap. Imagine my surprise when you slept on my head again last night. Imagine my surprise when you did a long mrrrrrr while washing my face this morning. Imagine my surprise that you are now walking around the living room searching for the perfect perch in front of the living room window.
Imagine my surprise when a class that I am presently teaching told me last night that they were going to miss me when they had to say goodbye next week. Imagine my surprise when I told them that I was going to miss them too.
Life's funny that way, huh, kit? It's just one surprise after another!
Love and mrrrrrrrr(s) to you my darling kit!
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